Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday Night Bowling

Well week one of our newly joined bowling league ended well. A group of four friends and I kicked off this seasons league bowl thinking we would be stomped. We showed up, most of us not even bowling n years, scared to the local bowling alley. After watching the team we were to play putting massive spin and just killing strike after strike I admit I was shook. After we all got a few throws in we were ready to start. The other team of course starting off like expected and us to a shaky start. Soon, slow and steady we got into our groove and improved. Before we knew it it was down to only a few frames and us not to far behind. The matches were over and we signed the score sheet and made our way to the car. On the way I was told we won. Huh? Really?.. Really?? But yes some how we came back and won. So mark it, 1 and 0.

And p.s. 16oz PBR's for $2 score again..