Wednesday, January 25, 2012

the marble trick

friend Cole swallowing a marble.. and yes it did come out the other end

Monday, January 23, 2012

Gas Problems

It seems to be an ongoing problem with me. How far can I go? Can I just make it one more day? Being one who lives paycheck to paycheck spending money on gas just bugs me. But when I think about it it is kinda a rush seeing how far $5 can get me. Needles to say I do run out of gas from time to time. Shit just last month I think I was stranded on the side if the road 3-4 times. I have learned to keep a gas can in my truck bed and have even recently been keeping my bike in there too. Will I change my ways and just start filling all the way up?... Na.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday Night Bowling

Well week one of our newly joined bowling league ended well. A group of four friends and I kicked off this seasons league bowl thinking we would be stomped. We showed up, most of us not even bowling n years, scared to the local bowling alley. After watching the team we were to play putting massive spin and just killing strike after strike I admit I was shook. After we all got a few throws in we were ready to start. The other team of course starting off like expected and us to a shaky start. Soon, slow and steady we got into our groove and improved. Before we knew it it was down to only a few frames and us not to far behind. The matches were over and we signed the score sheet and made our way to the car. On the way I was told we won. Huh? Really?.. Really?? But yes some how we came back and won. So mark it, 1 and 0.

And p.s. 16oz PBR's for $2 score again..