Sunday, February 26, 2012


Had a great time at the Bruce Hornsby show last night with some fam. Funniest thing of the night was when Bruce was talking about some crazy hard jazz project he was working on or had just finished. He said something along the lines "well I guess only 7 of y'all will like that.." And just then a guy and the back yelled "6"... Bahaha funny stuff and all around good time.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bowling Update

More recently in bowling our team wasn't doing so hot. After coming out the gates hot with a win we went down hill with 3 losses in a row. But to our credit one of those games we could of won if we didn't play one of the best bowlers in the place. He bowled one perfect game of 309, and the othere just a few pins shy. As of now we have turned that around and have won 2 in a row, and one of me bowling my best game yet of 221. So needles to say we are perty stoked. We will just wait and see what happens. Knock on wood.